Tribal Assistance Programs

NEW WFD 477 Application for Services 01.03.25

Maniilaq Workforce Development

The following 3 programs from the BIA Welfare Assistance Program are available to tribal members in our region, General Assistance, Burial Assistance, and Emergency Assistance:

General Assistance Program

We provide support to eligible tribally enrolled families of the MSA, in meeting their basic essential needs, such as food, clothing, shelter, and utilities. In doing so, we honor our traditional Iñupiat values of love, respect, compassion, and sharing.

The goal of the General Assistance program is to promote self-sufficiency. Program participants work with Maniilaq WFD staff to develop an Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan. Approved participants are required to seek employment and provide evidence of their job search efforts on a monthly basis. If a participant fails to seek or accept available local and seasonal employment, or if they quit a job without good cause, their future General Assistance payments may be affected for at least 60 days, but not more than 90 days. Eligibility is determined based on tribal enrollment, client income and resources, residency, and public assistance status.

 Emergency Assistance Program

We assist tribal members who need emergency financial help after their homes are destroyed by fire or flood.

Emergency Assistance payments can be provided for essential and non-medical necessities to individuals or families affected by these disasters, including loss or damage to personal possessions. Before receiving Emergency Assistance, applicants must be referred to the American Red Cross Alaska Chapter. The maximum Emergency Assistance payment is determined by following BIA income standards.

Burial Assistance Program

We are here to support families who are tribally enrolled in the MSA and coping with the loss of a loved one.

Approved Burial Assistance payments cover only minimal burial expenses for eligible tribal members. This assistance is available only if no other resources are accessible, and BIA Burial funds do not allow reimbursements.

A relative of the deceased must apply for Maniilaq WFD within 30 days of the person’s passing and provide all required documentation. Eligibility will be determined based on the income and resources available to the deceased. Additionally, the deceased must have resided in the Maniilaq service area for at least six consecutive months before their passing.

Eligibility for these programs is considered a secondary or residual resource and should not be used to supplement or replace other programs.

Communities Served:

  • Ambler
  • Buckland
  • Deering
  • Kiana
  • Kivalina
  • Kobuk
  • Noatak
  • Noorvik
  • Selawik
  • Shungnak

For questions regarding the eligibility determination process, for the BIA Welfare (General, Burial and Emergency Assistance) Programs, contact MANIILAQ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT at 907.442.7021 or



The purpose of these programs is to increase the wellness and self-sufficiency of the Tribal members in the MSA. Programs available through Maniilaq Association WFD:

  • Higher Education (HE)
  • Adult Vocational Training (AVT)
  • Job Placement & Training (JPT)

These programs are available to the following communities:

  • Ambler
  • Deering
  • Kivalina
  • Kobuk
  • Noorvik
  • Shungnak


Higher Education:

Provides grants/scholarships to eligible Tribal members for tuition, required fees, room and board, and textbooks. Applicants must be enrolled in an institution of higher education with a degree program.

Designed to support tribal citizens seeking financial independence and self-determination through educational scholarships. These scholarships are available to those who are attending an accredited college or university and are seeking an associate degree or higher.All supporting documents must have the name of the school and student. School ID numbers are not accepted. Applications are processed in the order they are received.

Because Maniilaq 477 scholarship opportunities are supplemental in nature, students are strongly recommended to first apply for the Free Application for Financial Aid (FASFA). To apply or for more information on FASFA, click here.

Job Placement & Training (JPT):

Used to advance economic growth through the development of a skilled workforce. The purpose of the JPT program is to assist eligible Alaskan Native and American Indians in obtaining job skills. Individuals must be unemployed, underemployed, or in need and can benefit from employment assistance that leads to permanent, gainful, and meaningful employment or who have obtained a job and need financial assistance to retain the job. It is designed for those who are determined to pursue career paths that lead to financial independence and self-sufficiency.

Adult Vocational Training (AVT)

Vocational training grants are awarded for the length of the training program, not to exceed 2 years. The program offers vocational training assistance to eligible applicants who lack specific training or certification to be considered for employment.

For questions regarding the eligibility determination process, for education programs, contact MANIILAQ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT @ 907.442.7021


Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Federal program that helps eligible tribal members improve their job prospects and career skills. Funding aims to improve employment and training opportunities for youth and adults, and to individuals attending an education or employment program to become self-sufficient. This program utilizes income to determine eligibility.

  • WIOA Adults must be 25 or older, and enrolled in a short-term course, certificate program, or vocational training individuals may be eligible to receive financial assistance for tuition, fees, lodging, meals, and/or other related training costs.
  • WIOA Youth assistance to applicants 14-24 years of age with training, work experience, on-the-job training, and educational advancement. This program helps eligible youth prepare for employment, post-secondary education, and training.

 Adult Basic Education (ABE)
The ABE Program is administered by the Alaska Technical Center (ATC) in partnership with Maniilaq WFD. ATC can provide services to individuals enrolled in a federally recognized tribe to obtain a General Education Diploma (GED). Individuals must reach out to ATC directly to enroll in their GED Program. This is a pass-through grant that WFD provides to ATC on behalf of tribal members.

For questions regarding the eligibility determination process, for these programs, contact MANIILAQ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT @ 907.442.7021


Child Care Assistance

The purpose of the Child Care Assistance Program is to increase the availability, affordability, and quality of child care in the Northwest Arctic Borough. The program exists to provide child care assistance for eligible low-income families who are working, attending job training or education programs, are self-employed, or participating in subsistence activities. The Child Care Assistance Program requirements are aligned with the WFD P.L. 102-477 approved plan through the Administration for Children and Families’ Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Office of Child Care.


Related provisions are health and safety requirements for child care providers, transparent consumer and provider education information, family-friendly eligibility policies, activities to improve the quality of child care, equal access, provider payment practices, plan period, and waiver authority.

The Maniilaq WFD Child Care Assistance Program utilizes the tribal CCDF Guide and Minimum Standards for Child Care Assistance Health and Safety Guide to promote program integrity and accountability. All families and provider applications will not be considered complete unless all required documents have been provided and completed.


For questions regarding the eligibility determination process, for the child care assistance programs, contact MANIILAQ WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT @ 907.442.7021


Child advocacy center

The Maniilaq Association Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a child-friendly, culturally relevant environment where caring professionals work together in one location to help children and families cope with sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, and exposure to violence.

Referrals are made to the CAC from the Kotzebue Police Department, Alaska State Troopers, and Office of Children Services. The referring system will then contact the center to make appointments for forensic interviewing and medical examinations.

To eliminate multiple interviews of a child, the CAC offers one location for forensic interviews to take place with specially trained interviewers.

The Maniilaq Health Center Sexual Assault Response Team provides forensic medical examinations at the CAC. The exam room is child-friendly and confidential. A child will NEVER be forced to undergo a medical exam or interview against their will.

Family services

Maniilaq Family Services works with families on prevention, permanence, safety, and well-being for Alaska Native children and their families living in Tribal communities of the Northwest Arctic Borough. Family Services works collaboratively with all agencies involved in child welfare to promote a more positive working relationship between the State and Tribal governments to increase ICWA compliance. Family Services provides safety plan monitoring, family casework, and foster home recruitment and retention. We also work to educate the people of our region about child welfare issues in an effort to prevent children from being removed from their homes.

Maniilaq Foster Care Specialists work with potential foster parents to become licensed through the State of Alaska. Foster Care Specialists travel to surrounding villages in the Northwest Arctic Borough to recruit and work with licensed homes to keep them in compliance with State Licensing regulations, including background checks, fingerprinting, training, and home inspections. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent or would like additional information, please call the Foster Care License Specialist at 442-7886.

Family crisis center

Crisis Intervention: Toll Free line: 1-888-478-3969 or 907-442-3969
Office Line: 907-442-3724

Services Provided:

  • Emergency Shelter
  • Advocacy- Supporting and assisting victims/survivors to defend and promote their rights, express their views and concerns, access information and services, and have their voice heard on issues that are important to them.
  • Legal Advocacy- Assisting in court cases, protective orders, and supporting victims/survivors to face their perpetrator.
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
  • Support Groups
  • Emergency Transportation
  • Prevention & Awareness Education
  • Outreach Resources
  • Information & Referrals

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Tribal services

Realty services

Realty Program Services Process Summary

Realty Services Program provides management assistance to restricted native allotment and restricted townsite lots owners and their heirs.
Some of these services include:

If you have a restricted townsite or native allotment or inherited interest in either, you cannot be taxed for your restricted property and must have approval by the BIA if you are planning to sell, gift, deed, lease, or remove the restrictions on your property. In certain circumstances, allottees do not need to pay taxes on income generated from their restricted property.

PHONE (907) 442-7623
TOLL FREE: 1-800-478-3312.
P.O. BOX 256

Probate & Estate Services

The Probate & Estate Services program was created for tribal members to understand the importance of preparing a last will and testament and to understand the probate process and inheritance.

Probate & Estates Services Process Summary

Wills Message

Will Questionnaire

Will Review Checklist

Traditional Foods/Hunter Support Program

The Hunter Support/Traditional Foods program provides supplemental fish and game to elders aged sixty and over. Through the Hunter Support agreement, the program also provides support funds for tribal governments to enable local volunteers to purchase ammunition, gas, and oil to hunt for village elders who are no longer able to harvest traditional foods on their own. The Siġluaq (Iñupiat word meaning ‘underground cold storage cache or ice cellar’) is operated by Maniilaq’s Traditional Foods Program and serves as a traditional foods donation center for Utuqqanaat Inaat Elders and community events. The grand opening took place on July 7, 2015.

Natural Resources Advocacy

Natural Resources Advocacy/ Provides technical assistance to tribes and advocates for subsistence preferences as prescribed in ANILCA and other laws. Provides traditional ecological knowledge to local, regional, state, federal, and international organizations to protect natural resources.

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